Body and Cab
Cab seat made in China with high-quality kalmar equipment 923934.0225 9239340225 617500 6059.001 6059001
Oil cooler for konecranes SMV equipment 6073.079 6073.042
Air conditioning blower for SMV 4531 TB5 NO.15-6102
Links for Konecranes. Part No. 6097.007/320040
Front lift is simply equipped with CYLINDER assembly cylinder LIFTING 220/180 6206.016 / 6206.067/6206.12/94349899/6000.794/600
Cylinder assembly for SMV 4531 TB5 model part number 6000.757
Expansion tank for KonecranesSMV7/8 ecb90 SMV16 package number 6073.045-1200 - b
The wiper motor is used for Svetruck model number 904379
Gear leverfor Svetruck model number 117473